I received the BEng (Hons) in electronic engineering with first class from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, in 2014, BEng in microelectronics from Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, in 2014, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, in 2019. I was a postdoc with the Institute of Textile and Clothing at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and am now a postdoc with Centre for Complexity and Complex Networks (CCCN) and the Department of Electrical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. I am currently a full member of the IEEE Power and Energy Circuits and Systems Technical Committee, and a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society. My research interests include cascading failure modeling and analysis, cyber-physical systems, and machine learning for robustness assessment in smart grids.

A Short Video of Self-Introduction

🔥 News

to be announced

🗂 Projects (ongoing)

ML for Cascading Failure Analysis

Machine learning-based methods and data analytics for studying cascading failures in smart grids.

  • onset time prediction of severe power outages.
  • failure propagation inference of large-scale power blackout events.
PE-penetrated Grid

Robustness assessment and stability analysis of highly power electronic-penetrated power systems.

  • identification of new causes and types of power component failure.
  • characterization of the dynamics of failure propagation considering mutual influences between power electronics and power systems.
  • establishment of measures for the assessment of the system’s performance.
Cyber-coupled electrical systems

Cyber security study of smart grids from a complex network perspective.

  • interpretation of the interdependency between cyber and power networks.
  • investigation of the coupling patterns in cyber-coupled power systems using an interdependent network-based framework.
  • analysis of the interaction between attack and defence to derive effective defensive and protective strategies for the crucial infrastructure.

📝 Publications


  1. J. Yang, C. K. Tse, M. Huang, D. Liu, C. C. Liu, and X. Fu, “Comparison of homoclinic bifurcations between grid-following and grid-Forming converters,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 4731-4741, May 2024.
  2. M. J. Li, C. K. Tse, D. Liu, and X. Zhang, “Cascading failure propagation and mitigation strategies in power systems,” IEEE Systems Journal , vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 3282-3293, February 2023.
  3. J. Yang, C. K. Tse, and D. Liu, “Sub-synchronous oscillations and transient stability of islanded microgrid,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 3760-3774, July 2023.
  4. J. Yang, C. K. Tse, M. Huang, and D. Liu, “Bifurcations of grid-following rectifiers and routes to voltage instability in weak AC grids,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems , vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1702-1713, March 2023.
  5. X. Zhang, D. Liu, H. Tu, and C. K. Tse, “An integrated modeling framework for cascading failure study and robustness assessment of cyber-coupled power grids,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 226, art. 108654, October 2022.
  6. J. Yang, C. K. Tse, and D. Liu, “Nonlinear behavior and reduced-order models of islanded microgrid,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 9212-9225, August 2022
  7. D. Liu, X. Zhang, and C. K. Tse, “Effects of high level of penetration of renewable energy sources on cascading failure of modern power systems,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 98-106, March 2022.
  8. D. Liu, C. K. Tse, and X. Zhang, “Tradeoff between robustness and functionality in cyber-coupled power systems,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 499-509, March 2022.
  9. D. Liu, X. Zhang, and C. K. Tse, “A tutorial on modeling and analysis of cascading failure in future power grids,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 49-55, January 2021.
  10. C. K. Tse, M. Huang, X. Zhang, D. Liu, and X. L. Li, “Circuits and systems issues in power electronics penetrated power grid,” IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, vol. 1, pp. 140–156, September 2020.
  11. D. Liu and C. K. Tse, “Cascading failure of cyber-coupled power systems considering interactions between attack and defense,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 4323-4336, November 2019.
  12. D. Liu, C. K. Tse, and X. Zhang, “Robustness assessment and enhancement of power grids from a complex network’s perspective using decision trees,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 833-837, May 2019.
  13. X. Zhang, D. Liu, C. Zhan, and C. K. Tse, “Effects of cyber coupling on cascading failures in power systems,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 228-238, June 2017.


  1. B. Li, D. Liu#, J. Fang, X. Zhang, and C. K. Tse, “Strengthening critical power network branches for cascading failure mitigation,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (IEEE ISCAS 2024), Singapore, May 2024.
  2. J. Fang, D. Liu, and C. K. Tse, “Impact of structure of network based data on performance of graph neural networks,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (IEEE ISCAS 2023), Monterey, USA, May 2023.
  3. J. Yang, D. Liu, and C. K. Tse, “Multi-attractor and transient stability of islanded microgrid,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS’2022), Austin, USA, May 2022.
  4. J. Fang, D. Liu, and C. K. Tse, “Predicting onset time of cascading failure in power systems using a neural network-based classifier,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS’2022), Austin, USA, May 2022.
  5. X. Zhang, D. Liu, C. K. Tse, and Z. Li, “Assessing the vulnerability of cyber-coupled power systems to component failures,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS’2021), Daegu, Korea, May 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS51556.2021.9401753
  6. D. Liu, C. K. Tse, and X. Zhang, “Effects of coupling patterns on functionality and robustness of cyber-coupled power systems,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS’2020), Seville, Spain, October 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180813
  7. D. Liu, C. K. Tse, and X. Zhang, “Robustness assessment and enhancement of power grids from a complex network’s perspective using decision trees,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (IEEE ISCAS 2019), Sapporo, Japan, May 2019.
  8. D. Liu, X. Zhang, and C. K. Tse, “Effect of malware spreading on propagation of cascading failure in cyber-coupled power systems,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS’2018), Florence, Italy, May 2018.
  9. D. Liu, X. Zhang and C. K. Tse, “A stochastic model for cascading failures in smart grid under cyber attack,” International Future Energy Electronics Conference, (IFEEC 2017 - IEEE ECCE Asia), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 783-788, June 2017.
  10. D. Liu, X. Zhang, C. Zhan, and C. K. Tse, “Modeling of cascading failures in cyber-coupled power systems,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS’2017), Baltimore, USA, May 2017.
  11. D. Liu and B. C. Schafer, “Efficient and reliable High-Level Synthesis Design Space Explorer for FPGAs,” International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, (FPL’2016), September 2016, pp. 1-8, DOI: 10.1109/FPL.2016.7577370.


  1. D. Liu, C. K. Tse, R. H. M. Chan, and C. Zhan., “Who should get vaccinated first? An effective network information-driven priority vaccination strategy,” posted at MedRxiv, May 13, 2021. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.10.21256999v1

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2019, Finalist of ISCAS2019 Student Paper Award (6 out of over 3000 papers).
  • 2014, Technical Excellence in Honours Project, Dept. EIE of HK PolyU.
  • 2013 & 2014, Outstanding Performance Scholarship of HKSAR Government, HK.
  • 2013 & 2014, Best Academic Performance Award, Dept. EIE of HK PolyU.
  • 2013 & 2014, Outstanding Student Award of Department, HK PolyU.
  • 2013, EIE Entrance Scholarship, EIE Entrance Scholarship of HK PolyU.
  • 2011 & 2012, First-Class Scholarship for Excellent Student, SYSU, PRC.
  • 2011, item National Scholarship for Encouragement, SYSU, PRC.

📖 Educations

  • 2015.07 - 2019.09, Ph. D. in Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • 2012.09 - 2014.06, BEng(Hons) in Electronic Engineering with First Class Honours, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • 2010.09 - 2014.09, BEng in Microelectronics, Sun Yat-Sen University.

💬 Seminars and Workshops

  • 2023.12 Workshop on Complex Networks in HDU, Hangzhou, PCR.
  • 2023.12 Global Young Scholars’ Forum in CUHKSZ, Shenzhen, PCR.
  • 2023.10 Joint Webinar Series in PolyU and CityU, Hong Kong, PCR.
  • 2023.07 Young Scientist Seminar in HKICE, Hong Kong, PCR.
  • 2022.04, Joint Webinar Series in PolyU and CityU, Hong Kong, PCR.
  • 2021.01, Joint Webinar Series in PolyU and CityU, Hong Kong, PCR.
  • 2020.12, The 9th International Young Scholars Forum, Shenzhen, PCR.
  • 2019.07, Workshop on Complex Networks in UESTC, Chengdu, PCR.
  • 2019.05, Joint Seminars in PolyU and CityU, Hong Kong, PCR.
  • 2018.07, Workshop on Complex Networks in SYSU, Guangzhou, PCR.
  • 2018.01, Network Science Conference, Hangzhou, PCR.
  • 2017.03, Workshop on Complex Networks in ZJU, Hangzhou, PCR.

💻 Internships

  • 2014.06 - 2014.08, TCL Tonly Electronics Holdings Limited, Huizhou, PCR.
  • 2013.06 - 2013.08, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Hong Kong, PCR.